

MatthiasKirchner | Expert on real estate appraisal | Real estate valuer

Valuation methods

The methods for the appraisal of property values have been developed within several decades or centuries. As the property values are needed regularly in order to pay taxes or to control market actions, adequate methods for the evaluation of property values are of need, too... [more]

Due diligence

Due Diligence means a thorough evaluation and analysis of a property in the course of a real estate transaction (purchase or sale). The due diligence analysis of real estate requires a systematic analysis of potentials and weaknesses, a valuation of risks as well as a substantiated appraisal...[more]


In order to make the accounting internationally comparable, already in 1973 the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) was founded. This committee under private law, initiated by national accounting companies, was built up in London. Over a long period of time, the IASC was hardly noticed, since in 2000, the EU decided, to work together with the IASC in the field of accounting regulations ...[more]