
Matthias Kirchner - Real Estate Appraisal ...

... this is my expert office on the valuation of developed and undeveloped properties (real estate), rent and lease (general real estate appraisal), rental value appraisal and due diligence analysis. My office has three subsidiaries, one in Southern Germany (in the region of Nuremberg), one in West Germany (Greater Cologne) and the third one being situated in East Germany (triangle Bautzen - Görlitz - Weißwasser). I would like to cordially invite you to have a look at my internet presence! I wish you a lot of fun and new impressions when surfing.

Valuation report (determination of fair market value) to the following occasions:

- basis for real estate appraisal in legal asset quarrels and out of court settlements
- mortgaging for the reason of financing with outside capital (mortgage lending value)
- basis for accounting - real estate or portfolio ratings ( e. g. Basel II)
- negotiation basis for general real estate transactions
- decision support for property purchase

Valuation of rental value to the following occasions:

- rent level quarrels in the field of apartment rental and industrial premises rental (legal and out of court   quarrels) as second column of real estate appraisal
- evaluation of rental value for general rental charge negotiations (private/industrial)
- arbitration
- arbitrator reference

Portfolio Valuation Services

- We offer a reasonably priced portfolio valuation in compliance with the international valuation standards “Appraisal and Valuation Standards” (Red Book) of “RICS” (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors). Here we accomplish property ratings and appraise real estate being combined to clusters and/or zones by using “discounted cash flow analyses” and further appropriate methods.

Due Diligence analyses

- As the third column of real estate appraisal, due diligence analyses of investment properties and real estate portfolios require a systematic analysis of potentials and weaknesses, a valuation of risks as well as a substantiated appraisal. For instance, the focus lies on DCF-systems, the analysis of personal and material capabilities, the position in the market, legal, financial risks and risks due to the location, environmental impacts…

The expert

- Graduated expert on the valuation of developed and undeveloped properties, rent and lease
   (“Dipl.- Sachverständiger”)
- Graduated real estate manager (“Immobilienwirt Dipl.-VWA”)
- Management assistant in real estate („Kaufmann in der Grundstücks- und Wohnungswirtschaft“)
Office Nuremberg
 Frankenstr. 152
90461 Nürnberg
 Tel: +49 911/ 23 79 133
 Fax +49 911/ 23 79 134

 email: info [at]

Office Gummersbach (NRW)
Auf der Gostert 2a
51645 Gummersbach
 Tel: +49 22 61/ 28 80 -24
 Fax +49 22 61/ 28 80 -84

 email: info [at]
North Rhine-Westph.
Office Weißwasser
Berliner Str. 83
02943 Weißwasser
Tel: +49 35 76/ 21 66 9-5
Fax +49 35 76/ 21 66 9-6
email: info [at]

...& Due Diligence